analogue cheese
Analogues, also known as cheese alternatives, are used as culinary replacement for cheese in prepared dishes, pizza’s, gratins, and snacks. Analogue cheeses are a cost efficient alternative to traditional cheese and replace dairy by other (plant-based) ingredients. Its key benefit is to preserve the same properties, like structure, flavour and colour while optimizing costs. This makes analogue cheese an interesting alternative to traditional cheese.
With over 30 years of experience, our team of developers have all the knowledge about developing the finest analogues. Our specialized team knows all the factors that play a role in producing high quality analogue cheese products that meet the demand of our customers and markets.
Due to the short communication lines between product development and operations we can develop and produce in a fast and efficient way. Therefore, we can deliver high quality products in a short time frame. The range of our analogue cheese products is extensive, from hard sliceable or shredable to soft and spreadable. With the versatile demands of high or restricted melts and with a long stretch once melted. Next to our regular assortment analogues we also deliver customized solutions for various applications within the food manufacturing industry.
In addition to producing our products lean and with clean and sustainable wind energy, there is another significant contribution we make thanks to our production method. Our analogue cheese products have a much longer shelf life than regular cheeses. Thus, our efforts impact sustainability in two ways. Reducing the impact of CO2 emissions and reducing food waste.
advantages of analogue cheese
controllable melting point
long shelf life
homogeneous texture improvement
suitable for slicing, shredding or spreading
adjustable stretch
cost efficient
packaging options
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