cheese. the next chapter.

cheese powders
Cheese powders are widely used as ingredient in the food manufacturing industry. Cheese powders are made from real cheese with a small amount of emulsifying salts. These melting salts contribute to a homogeneous texture improvement. A premium roller dried cheese powder solution delivers a rich and robust cheese taste, an outstanding mouthfeel and an unique texture. Our cheese powder solutions will open up a world of possibilities.

processed cheese
Processed cheese is real cheese with a small amount of melting salts. These melting salts give the cheese unique characteristics, such as a more controllable melting point, longer shelf life and a homogeneous texture improvement. Next to these unique characteristics, processed cheese offers considerable cost saving opportunities for the food manufacturing industry.

analogue cheese
Analogues, also known as cheese alternatives, are used as culinary replacement for cheese in prepared dishes, pizza’s, gratins, and snacks. Analogue cheeses are a cost efficient alternative to traditional cheese and replace dairy by other (plant-based) ingredients. Its key benefit is to preserve the same properties, like structure, flavour and colour while optimizing costs. This makes analogue cheese an interesting alternative to traditional cheese.

popped plant-based cheese
Our new innovation popped plant-based cheese fits perfectly in today’s consumption trends. Popped cheese that is crunchy, airy and 100% plant-based, but with the recognizable mild and creamy taste of real cheese. Using our popped plant-based alternatives for cheese will open up a world of possibilities.

dried grated cheese
Our crunchy cheese strings. Not only can they be used as crunchy grated cheese topping on a wide variety of dishes, but it is also a unique ingredient for the food manufacturing industry. By extremely drying the grated cheese, the strings become surprisingly crunchy with an intense cheese taste.
the art of popping

popping and drying using 100% wind energy
The picture says it all. The source of our most important ingredient milk in harmony with the source of our sustainable energy. This is how we put our responsibility for environmental health into practice. Read more about what sustainability means to us!